Then I woke up OFFICIALLY at 7:30am, after a bad dream but I said a prayer and well that was that...no more thinking of it.
As I started the day, I wondered to myself why I had been happy for so long now, is there nothing going on in my life to worry about? Weird, I know. People are looking for happy and here I am wondering where worry is.
I put my worries into prayers a while ago and also into fasting becuz it was getting out of hand and I guess God is finally answering that prayer....
Even though, I'm grateful that I don't worry so much anymore and most of my days are filled with joy now, I still felt the need to sit down and take account of all the things that usually should be bothering me right about now...
and wow...the list is looong...thank God, I'm not focusing on it and taking each day at a time, otherwise, I can see myself wailing daily..."Chineke me o, what am I going to do?"
I'm tempted to print the list for y'all to read but I just can't bring myself to, but, I'd give you a few...
First of all, so u have sort of a mental background picture...I'm alone here in a foreign land, no mummy, no daddy to run to as such. Plus my mum and dad try not to list their worries but I've seen and heard most of them, dumping my issues on them is just outright cruelty...in my opinion.
By the end of April, if I know what's good for me I had better find a new apartment or else, u might be waving to me under ur local bridge, lol God forbid. The whole apartment issue started with my two-timing landlord, but trust my roomie and I now, we played it cool, meanwhile we were slapping and punching his face in our heads.
My immigration status, has one more year left on it, till it expires, of which I should have found a full time job in my field of study by May 19th. It's March 18th. You say, u still have 2 months...uhm...I've been looking for 2 years...and still nothing, but my God is able. :D
I have to apply for grad school ay es ay pee, but the application fees are no joke, plus I need actually sit and write all the required essays, meanwhyl, I need to search for a job, look for an apartment, plan a project for March 31st, and still go to work all in the same time frame.
I need 52 hours a day, that's for sure.
Come mid-April, I need to start packing all my stuff so I'm ready to move out by the end of the month.
Yea, it doesn't sound so much eh?
but the thing is, there's still more unveiled and I'm the only one, I need help...well I have friends and all but they're super busy, I can't even ask, plus there's only so much they can do anyway...
At the end of all this "run-around and walk-about", I know I'd have a beautiful story to tell, it's not over. My story isn't finished
Got to run for the bus, right about nooowww
I need a car, :(
The car I want is $9000...the money would come along with my fees for school, $85,000.
#nowsinging...God is able to do, just what he says he would doo....
13 roses:
keep the faith burning sistah..HE WOULD MAKE A WAY WHEN THERE SEEMS TO BE NO WAY..it shall be well.
Amen....thx dear
...and the peace that passesth all understanding...Hold on!
Amen to that. Loved this post. Don't worry, everything will fall into place for you. God has a way o working things out like that.
BTW I follow your blog now :) Stop by Alee's Perspective sometime and say whats up!
spelling correction.
My keyboard is all messed up!
So why have you decided to punish me for coming here!!!! Lol!
Unless the only reason I have no more of your whimsical blogs to read after this is cos you are packing into your new apartment or finally writing those essays! Ok, H, so hope you figured out that I enjoyed reading your last blog.....I tend to read forward when I start following a blog....so please do be back soon.....In the mean time, YES, your God is able to do what he said he would do.....Get hold on the promises from his word, stand on them and Speak them OUT over your life and yes, speak them out LOUD!
And never forget, your Papa God is especially fond of you!
Aww...thx for stopping by.
I have neglected this blog...I think I just gave a lot more attn to my love life on my other blog, crushthots.blogspot.com.
I still don't have an apt or a new job yet, but God is a God of the 11th hour right...still waiting...even tho May 19th has come and gone.
All the best always**
I trust God with you that you'll testify.
off to check out crushthots now..
Thanks for stopping by my blog again and again :o)
If we (humans) sit down and write down ALL our needs we will be overwhelmed and discouraged. The beauty of life is that blessings and miracles often come at unexpected times and through unexpected sources.
Embrace life and whatever surprises it throws at you. Believe me, you will be blessed - someway, somehow.
It might not be through the path you expected.........but it will be God's path for you. Amen
Thanks for dropping by my blog. I've popped you on my blogroll so I'll surely be back.
The Lord is your strength. He knows the whole story while we just see the 'right now'.
3 months later but count your blessings babes...
I felt so connected while reading this blog because I am going through the same thing. My immigration status is ending in five months and i have to find a job before then. I am in this foreign land alone without my parents and with no support from back home since I lost my father who was my sole support after I begun college. Sometimes I find myself in so much joy and happiness and peace even though I know all these are going on and I feel guilty for being happy and believe that not worrying about my problems means I am not serious about them. God has been nailing me hard to rejoice in all circumstances and you know what the joy of the lord is what is flowing in me and it gives me strength to keep pushing on and pressing on daily. James 1:2 says; "Consider it pure joy brothers whenever you face trials of many kinds." Paul and Silas prayed and sang and rejoiced in jail even though they were not certain about what their future was and God pulled the gates of the jail and pulled off their chains and at the end of the day the jailer and his family were all drawn to Christ. God does everything for his glory.... Merry Christmas and a happy new year ahead. I do not know you but I will put you in prayers as I pray for myself. God Bless you!
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